Today I will help you complete another room: Borderlands which is part of the Networking category.

This is a Hard room (hardest in networking) and if you complete all the tasks you get 540 points!

Normally you need to perform the tasks yourself (I recommend you do so) and even if you are skilled you will need up to 1 hour to finish all the tasks.

You cannot find all the answers ready to copy-paste online, because nobody posted them due to the fact that this requires quite some effort.

No worries, Mecanik is here! 😉

Task 1: Deploy, attack and pivot through this network

What is the API key that fits the following pattern: “AND*”


What is the API key that fits the following pattern: “WEB*”


What is the API key that fits the following pattern: “GIT*”


What is the flag in the /var/www directory of the web app host? {FLAG:Webapp:XXX}


What is the flag in the /root/ directory of router1? {FLAG:Router1:XXX}


What flag is transmitted from flag_server to flag_client over UDP? {FLAG:UDP:XXX}


What flag is transmitted from flag_server to flag_client over TCP? {FLAG:TCP:XXX}



You’ve completed the room!